When is the right time for brand strategy?

All the pressing projects of running a business eat up your time and you put off brand strategy. And it’s a mistake that’s costing you time, money, and headaches.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for over a decade and there were some lessons that I was slow to learn. Wanting things to look both beautiful and professional I started by focusing so much energy on the obvious culprits — my website and business cards, things like that.

Did anyone ever book me because I had a pretty business card? I highly doubt it. And did I spend ten times as long on a website than I needed to, deliberating wording and images and wondering what was right? Yup, I sure did.

I understood all the pieces of brand building, but I underestimated the importance of how it all fit together. Because that’s the magic. Not just knowing what to do, but knowing the right order to work on it all.

How often do you feel like you’re trying to work on too many things at the same time?

You need a new website. You’re interviewing social media managers. That’s important right? And maybe you’re considering hiring an agency. Do you need new photos? How about videos?

And here’s the crazy thing, everything I just listed is important. But it’s way more effective if you know where it fits. When you know what to say, how to show it, and how important each is to your brand building efforts.

In that way, brand building is really about organization. Knowing what to do and in what order. The rest is just consistency, showing up over time.

We believe in brand building so much that we’re giving classes away for free.

We want anyone who cares — about their customers and audience, about doing things different — we want these people to have the tools they need to build an interesting, thriving brand. You’re a cool person. Your brand should be cool too.

So please, check out YouTube and browse our free lessons. It’s still new, but our second full class just launched! It’s about helping you navigate the confusing bits of brand building. So you can tap into what makes you different and build something memorable that lasts.

Don’t just keep doing the same work, year after year. Shift how you see your business and start building a brand. Build loyalty so people come back. Build an audience so you have customers coming in regularly. And then you’ll free up the time to do the deeper brand building stuff. Podcasts and videos and volunteering and community projects.


Peaceful brand building with the Japanese principle of Kaizen.


Brand building lessons from a tortured poet.