Hello & Welcome.

I’m so glad you’re here. This business is a passion project, something that took years to bring into existence. It’s a blend of art and commerce. It takes tried and true strategies and incorporates humanity, creativity, and a thoughtful approach to brand building.


Meet Joella Marie

This framework, these classes, they weren’t built overnight. To be fair, it took longer to build than expected. It’s been years of work and even more years of becoming. But it was never meant to be a lukewarm curriculum, hastily built and delivered in hopes of chasing a passive income. 

And at some point, it stopped being a job and became something of a calling. I broke free of the idea that it’s all about volume. It’s not. I am choosing a different approach, pouring attention and focus into people deeply. And measuring success based on how much we impact someone’s life, not by how many people buy a course. 

What I believe.

Smaller but better.

Working with people this way isn’t about making the most money or growing the fastest, it’s about being vulnerable and personal. I sit with people, walk through their work and their ambitions with them, equipping them with the tools they need to change their life. It’s not passive but it’s powerful.

Rooted in hope.

I’m making it my mission to serve kind-hearted humans who want to like their work and their lives. To restore dignity to work. To realign goals and redefine success and wealth. To spark meaningful conversations around big business, its cost, and what we can do about it. To create a new vision of benevolent capitalism, stewardship, and environmental sustainability. To empower caring and kind humans to put their own special work out into the world. To start a small shop revival.

I care, a lot.

And perhaps most importantly, the difference is that I truly care. If you cannot do work you care about, work that is meaningful, how will you make a living? Who will you have to work for? And on the most basic human level, what will that cost you?

I want to free you from having to make that choice, the choice between making a living and making a life. I can give you the brand building skills you need to stand out in a crowded marketplace, without relying on salesy garbage tactics. Your passion and creativity and unique voice will do the rest of the work.

You’ve got this.


I’ve found that people have what it takes to transform their life, they just need the tools to get them there.

The heart behind it.


A guiding philosophy built from the idea that it’s not just what you do, but how you do it.


You are a part of a much bigger picture and just by showing up, a better future is possible.